Natalie Wallington

Natalie Wallington

Get latest from Natalie Wallington

Exude power and confidence with better body language

Exude power and confidence with better body language

A ‘memory palace’ is your secret tool for remembering information
How to protect wildlife from extreme heat

How to protect wildlife from extreme heat

Grow your own mushrooms in a homemade terrarium

Grow your own mushrooms in a homemade terrarium

Transform your yard into an owl kingdom

Transform your yard into an owl kingdom

7 tips for saving electricity this summer

7 tips for saving electricity this summer

7 edible flowers and how to use them

7 edible flowers and how to use them

Build a classy, easy birdbath with vintage finds

Build a classy, easy birdbath with vintage finds

Salmonella could be lurking at your bird feeders and baths. Here’s how to clean them.